
Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis in Chennai | Chennai Natural Treatment Clinic
Psoriasis Treatment in Chennai

Natural ways of treatment for Psoriasis

Therapeutic approaches in the treatment of Psoriasis have shown limited efficacy with frequent side effects. Drug free natural healing has seen high success rates of Psoriasis treatment in Chennai. Implementing a holistic and natural plan of treatment can eliminate and prevent psoriasis symptoms. Natural treatment for Psoriasis involves ways of addressing some common roots to the condition. Natural resources play a very important role in the management of Psoriatic skin symptoms. Natural ways by virtue of their safety and simplicity have earned themselves as potential anti-psoriatic alternatives.

Natural Bath Soak – Soaking in a tub is the best way to benefit from this natural approach. A mixture of warm water with added natural ingredients in a bath tub to soak the body for a minimum of 15 minutes can improve skin condition associated with psoriasis. The benefits of natural bath soak are that it eases itching and dryness, lowers redness and slows down fast-growing skin cells. Some of the common natural ingredients that may provide these benefits are:

Oatmeal bath : Colloidal oatmeal is a really fine powder that can be added to the bath water for soaking in to it. Anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties of oatmeal are known to help ease dry and itchy skin.

Epsom salt Bath: Magnesium and sulphates present in Epsom salt are believed to be readily absorbed into skin. Epsom salt is considered naturally safe, easy to use, easy to find and inexpensive. This salt is known to lower inflammation and help the skin absorb more moisture resulting in fewer scales and less itchiness after soaking in this bath.

Dead Sea Salt Bath: Magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium can super hydrate the skin which helps relieve itchiness and redness. These minerals are meant to penetrate deep into the skin, providing long-lasting moisture. Dead Sea salt as a soak ingredient can eliminate itchiness, scaling and inflammation caused by psoriasis.

Natural Skin Care

There are numerous natural creams made out of different plants and herbs that have shown to help relieve mild and moderate psoriasis. Some common natural extracts are aloe cream that reduces redness and can help discard scales. Oregon grape is another herb that has strong antimicrobial qualities and can help bring down redness and inflammation of the affected area. A combination of avocado oil and Vit B12 can be an effective cream to reduce plaques and heal sores. Using apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil as hair wash or rise can help scalp psoriasis.

After applying medicinal ointments or creams, a layer of moisture sealants like petroleum jelly or olive oil can lock in the moisture and help better effect of the topical application. Dry skin makes the irritation and itchiness worse and also delays healing of the skin. However, too much moisture during hot and humid summer months can make the skin sweat and adding thick creams can make psoriasis worse. Wrapping the skin with a bandage or plastic wrap at bed time and washing the area gently in the morning can help with scaling.

Baths and showers can dry the skin. Ways to prevent that from happening are to make sure that the water is lukewarm and not too hot, use non scented medicated soaps, oils or shower gels and do not bathe more often than required. While drying after a bath, be gentle and pat the skin dry. Rubbing, scrubbing or scratching the skin can cause and worsen rashes.

Natural Sunlight

Recurrence of psoriasis flare can be controlled regular exposure to natural light.  Sunlight kills the overactive white blood cells that are attacking healthy skin cells and causing the rapid cell growth. Both UVA and UVB light may be helpful in reducing symptoms of mild to moderate psoriasis.

Twenty minutes a day for 3 days a week is recommended for a good start of exposure to sunlight. Moderate sunlight can treat skin condition but sunburns can make it worse. Using natural sunscreens and limiting how much sun to get can avoid trouble. Consulting a doctor for safe exposure to sun and knowing the interactions it may have with the medications is advisable.

Natural Foods

Antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and selenium present in natural, fresh foods can make a difference in Psoriasis relief. Foods with anti-inflammatory properties are particularly healthy for psoriasis condition and are abundantly found in natural foods such as

  • Fruits and vegetables especially berries, cherries and leafy greens
  • Herbs and spices like cumin, ginger, turmeric and peppers that are anti-oxidant rich
  • Fishes like Salmon, sardines that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Fats like olive oil, seeds and nuts that offer heart healthy and weight control benefits.

Obesity or overweight may carry a greater risk of getting psoriasis and have symptoms that tend to be worse. Fat cells make certain proteins that can trigger inflammation and make Psoriasis condition worse. Studies suggest that the skin can improve on losing some weight. Eating smaller portions, limiting sugars/starch/ fat or following a combination of recommended natural diet plans can help in the long run.

Natural medicines

To identify the root causes, recognize the trigger factors and create an effective medication programme involves taking everything into account of the person’s individual constitution. Natural internal medicines could be herbal formulas that boost the immune system, detoxify the liver, blood purifiers or bowel-cleansers. An individualized combination of milk thistle seed, dandelion root and yellow dock when taken as a tea, is a popular oral remedy to mitigate symptoms and even avoid Psoriasis symptoms. Plant extracts such as Psoralen are known produce anti-psoriatic activity that inhibits hyperproliferation in psoriatic lesions.

Natural Living

Involves primarily the basics of eating healthy, exercising and avoiding triggers that flare a reaction of Psoriasis. Healthy eating would include eliminating junk foods, processed foods and dairy products. Limiting alcohol intake and withdrawal from smoking are two main factors that can contribute positively in the holistic natural management of Psoriasis. Exercising to stay fit can improve general health, can relieve stress and lower high risk comorbidities of Psoriasis.

Inculcating healthy habits of yoga, meditation and moderate exercise not only are natural ways of relaxation but also reap long term results in the natural healing process for Psoriasis. Emotional support from family and friends can help overcome myths and social stigma around the condition. Psoriasis healing finds counselling and support group sessions vital for holistic management. A health care provider with a specialized team of natural care & cure would be ideal in the natural treatment of Psoriasis.