
How to control diabetes?
- Diabetes – a medical condition where there is an increase in blood sugar levels due to low production of insulin or reduced insulin sensitivity.
- Cut down carbs, include more fiber in food.
- Work out regularly or at least brisk walk for 5 kms a day can help a lot in reducing blood glucose.
- Drink more water, avoid sugar drinks.
- Relaxation techniques, yoga or meditation can reduce stress
- Good food, Good sleep and a healthy life style can keep your body healthy.
- Apple Cider Vinegar, Meshashringi can help in controlling blood sugar level.
What is diabetes?
Diabetes is a medical condition where a person has high blood glucose or blood sugar levels. Our body generates glucose from the food we eat and that goes into blood stream for distribution across all parts of the body. However, insulin (prepared by pancreas) is necessary to be present in the blood for the energy to be utilized by the body organs. If the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or if it is not able to use the produced insulin, the blood glucose stays back in the blood increasing the amount of glucose in the blood.
Diabetes was once a not so common disease that typically used to affect aged people. With current life style changes and changed food habits, diabetes has become a very common condition from kids to the elderly. As per few news articles, the world can fall short of insulin very soon; that’s how common this disease has become.
Simple steps to lower blood sugar (diabetes)
Cut down on carbohydrates (mainly rice in India)
Carbohydrates are readily turned into glucose in the body. Eating large amounts of carbohydrates increases the blood sugar levels. Rice is full of carbohydrates and we Indians consume rice in some form or the other at least twice a day. Instead, you can substitute rice with millets and bajra. If you are used to having rice, you may find it difficult initially but as you get used to the new diet, you will automatically see the difference (drop in your sugar levels).
Also, start consuming small portions at any time. Instead of eating 3 meals a day, break it into 4 or 6 meals a day with small portions. That way, you will add less sugar to your blood after every meal.
Exercise regularly
This is what many people miss in their daily lives. Times have changed from the time of our forefathers who mostly used to work in the fields to the day where we work in AC rooms. As a result, physical activities done by our bodies have come down drastically. In order to substitute, we have to work out regularly. Walk everyday either in the morning or in the evening for at least 5 kilometers; not the lazy walk you take every day, it has to be brisk walk or better jog. You can join a gym and start working out, spending time on various exercises.
When the body works out, it becomes insulin sensitive and the muscles start absorbing blood glucose very effectively. That’s how working out helps control diabetes.
Consume more fiber
Eating more fiber slows down digestion of carbohydrates (putting low sugar in blood) and also helps increase absorption of blood sugar.
Foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fenugreek seeds are some rich sources of fiber. They contain soluble fiber that can help control diabetes.
Drink more water & avoid sugary beverages
We don’t mean to fill your stomach with water all day. Drink good amount of water (5 to 6 liters). Drinking more water helps in flushing out more sugar from the blood in the form of urine.
Please do not mix up water with fluids. We strictly advise you NOT to drink any sugar sweetened beverages or cola drinks. They can shoot up your blood sugar levels to an unbelievable extent.
Relax, Meditate & lower your stress levels
In the current pace of life, everyone gets stressed for different reasons. Some get stressed due to their personal lives and some due to professional lives and some due to both.
Stress always makes your existing medical conditions worse or it can create new medical problems for you. Practice meditation or yoga or other relaxation techniques to bring down your stress levels.
Sound sleep is always important
Heard of ‘Early to bed, early to rise’? A good night sleep for at least 8 hours is important to keep your brain and body in sound health. “An hour of sleep before mid night is equal to two after mid night” – remember this always and go to bed early and rise early.
Good sleep maintains healthy blood sugar levels and also helps you in maintaining healthy body weight. Poor sleep disturbs body’s metabolism.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar has shown to control fasting blood sugar levels. It may be because of reducing the production of glucose or by increasing insulin sensitivity in the body.
Add a couple of tea spoons of apple cider vinegar to water and drink before your meal. It can help control the blood sugar levels post digestion
Maintaining healthy body weight
Did you know that just by reducing body weight by 7% reduces the chances of getting diabetes by 58%?? It is very important to maintain healthy body weight and a good BMI. Good food, good sleep and regular work out has both direct and indirect effects on diabetes.
Ayurvedic Meshashringi – The destroyer of Sugar
Meshashringi, also called ‘Gurmar’ is believed to be the destroyer of blood sugar. Meshashringi controls the blood sugar levels by reducing the amount of sugar absorbed by intestines (from food) into blood.
It also helps in regeneration of pancreatic cells that produce insulin. A combination of these activities can quickly help in controlling and absorption of blood sugar. It also prevents accumulation of fatty acids in the circulatory system and prevents hardening of blood vessels.