
Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis in Chennai | Chennai Natural Treatment Clinic
Psoriasis Treatment in Chennai

Best healing for psoriasis naturally

Developed and developing countries have taken to complementary and alternative therapies that offer best healing naturally for psoriasis. Evidence-based research in natural treatment for psoriasis has opened larger acceptance in India and abroad. Natural treatment for psoriasis includes programs to rejuvenate the body through diet and nutrition along with natural medicines that treat psoriasis from the root cause.

Only when there is awareness of the actual cause, can cure and treatment to reverse psoriasis be possible at the very root once and for all. The exact cause of psoriasis is still unknown and psoriasis is best addressed by uprooting the factors contributing to psoriasis symptoms. Psoriasis, as a complex condition of multifunctional inflammatory skin disease originating from T-cell activation, local vascular changes, abnormal keratinocyte proliferation and neutrophil activation, needs treatment methods that address these underlying causative factors.

The immune system mistakenly attacking healthy skin cells is part of the causative factors of psoriasis. On falling ill, while battling an infection, under stress or on exposure to triggers, the immune system tries to overachieve in order to counter the infection. This is understood as the common causative factor for psoriasis flare-up. Natural treatment methods aim to uproot these causative factors in a safe and effective manner.

The alternative medicines in natural therapies are derived from herbs, minerals and organic matter while herbal drugs are made from medicinal plants that were originally used in native medical treatments. Natural therapies adopted for psoriasis are based on sufficient preliminary data, compelling public health need, scientific research analysis and ethical justification for best healing from root cause.

Synthetic medicines are not only a causative agent of psoriasis but also react with adverse side effects on long term treatment for psoriasis. The obvious alternative remedy in the interest of safe and equally effective therapy is to treat psoriasis naturally. Another advantage of natural therapies are that they are easily available and are cost effective.

While the precise cause of psoriasis is not fully understood, there are two main hypotheses that explain the process of development of the symptoms:

  • Hypothesis 1 considers the disorder of excessive growth and reproduction of skin cells as the only responsible factor. The root cause of the problem is simply understood as a fault of the epidermis and its keratinocytes.
  • Hypothesis 2 considers immune-mediated dysfunction as the primary factor which produces excessive reproduction of skin cells as the secondary factor.

Multiple genetic abnormalities are found to be associated with psoriasis, but environmental factors also play a role. Psoriasis flares have been linked to psychological stress, obesity, smoking, alcohol, strep throat, viral infections, lack of sunlight and certain medications.

The goal of natural treatment for psoriasis is lifetime control of the above processes without side effects. Natural management of psoriasis focuses on skin care, better immunity, detoxification and lifestyle factors inclusive of diet plans, natural supplements, relaxation techniques for body and mind like yoga, aromatherapy, fitness regimes, as well as other ancient arts such as acupuncture that target to control common triggers which are often the root cause for psoriasis symptoms.

Psoriasis is a disorder without a lasting cure.  The best way to manage and control psoriasis symptoms is to consult a doctor for natural treatment options that can calm the inflammation, ease pain, relieve itching and reduce redness of psoriatic skin. There are a number of natural remedies that may help relieve symptoms through a holistic approach. Best healing for psoriasis can be achieved naturally as natural treatment focuses on supporting health rather than combating disease.

The practice of natural healing for psoriasis is based on six key principles that are:

  1. Natural treatment chooses therapies with the intent to keep harmful side effects to a minimum and relieve symptoms. Methods and medicines that mean no harm to the body are used for treatment.
  2. Promotes the healing power of natural elements and good living habits.
  3. Natural healing treats the person as a whole. The basis is that health is affected by physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental and social factors which are all taken in to consideration when choosing therapies and individualise treatment to each patient.
  4. Seeks to identify and treat the causes of psoriasis relative to its symptoms. Natural healing understands symptoms as signs that the body is trying to fight the disorder, adapt to it or recover from it.
  5. Prevention of flare ups is believed to be the best cure. Ways of living that are considered most healthy and most likely to prevent symptoms are taught and emphasised.
  6. Educating on the condition and severity are given equal importance. Natural therapists consider it important to educate their patients in taking responsibility for their own health.

Natural medical systems are built upon theories and practices that have evolved earlier and other than the conventional medical approach. Examples of systems that have developed natural healing for psoriasis include traditional ayurvedic and Siddha medicines.

Best healing for psoriasis naturally starts with a preliminary detoxification therapy to get rid of the toxins accumulated in the body and achieve a balanced state of the body. Internal medicines are powerful poly herbal or a combination of herbal and mineral medicines of single or compound mix. There are numerous natural oils made out of different plants and herbs that have shown to get rid of scales and plaques in mild and moderate psoriasis.

Due to the intimate interplay between psychosocial factors and psoriasis, the condition is listed as the top key dysfunction of the cluster of psycho cutaneous disorders. Factors of a psychopathological nature tend to play an etiological role in the development of psoriasis that can exacerbate pre-existing symptoms. This aspect is addressed in natural holistic healing for psoriasis to attain mental and emotional  well being through meditation, relaxation techniques and rejuvenation.

Reasons to better opt for natural healing are not just safe long term treatment of psoriasis but also that the medicines are external, internal, for the mind and for the soul. The efficacy of a combined natural treatment for psoriasis assures complete lifetime control and best healing for psoriasis from its root cause.