
Symptoms and complications of diabetes
Diabetes, surprisingly once a disease that used to affect aged people has become a very common problem even in adults and young adults. High levels of glucose in blood is referred to as diabetes or hyperglycemia. In order for the body (every tissue, muscle and cell) to absorb (and utilize) the sugar in blood, a key component called ‘insulin’ is needed. Insulin is produced by one part of the pancreas
There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2
In Type 1 diabetes (which only affects 10% of the population), not enough insulin is produced by the pancreas. Lower production of insulin can be due to auto-immune problem where the white blood cells in the blood attack the insulin producing cells (considering them as foreign).
In Type 2 diabetes (which affects around 90% of the people) is due to ‘insulin resistance’. In this condition, enough insulin will be already present in the blood but for some reason, the body cells and tissues find it difficult to use that insulin to absorb the sugar in the blood.
In both the conditions, a lot of sugar is left in the blood, without getting used, resulting in diabetic condition.
Our bodies produce sugar/glucose from the food we eat. The intestines extract the glucose from the food and send it into the blood stream so that it gets distributed to every cell, tissue and muscle inside the body and helps them function. However, in order for this distribution and absorption of sugar from blood by other body parts to happen, body needs insulin. Insulin is the door way through which the blood sugar gets absorbed. Insulin is produced by the pancreas. In people whose pancreas don’t function well and produces less insulin, the blood sugar doesn’t get absorbed into the body as well as it should and that results in diabetes.
Spike in blood sugar levels once in a while, when you eat too much sweet or consume sugary drinks is ok, as long as the body is able to bring them down to normal levels. If the high sugar levels continue to remain in your body, that is a problem because, diabetes can result in stiffening of blood vessels, cardiovascular diseases, foot ulcers, wounds not healing and kidney problems.
Early symptoms of diabetes include:
- Elevated blood sugar levels. There is really no other way than getting your blood tested for sugar levels. Frequent urination that can even lead to dehydration can also indicate elevated sugar levels in the blood.
- Dehydration, increased thirst and increased water consumption. When a high level of sugar is present in the blood, some may be passed out in the urine, resulting in ‘sweet urine’.
- Weight loss due to non absorption of energy by the body cells. This can be noticed even after apparent increase in food consumption.
- Nausea and Vomiting can be seen in people who don’t get their blood sugar levels under control.
- In women, urinary tract infections, vaginal infections can be frequently seen.
- Blurred vision
Extremely elevated glucose levels can lead to coma
Who are at risk of developing diabetes?
- People who are obese or overweight are at higher risk of developing diabetes.
- People suffering from high blood pressure.
- Increased levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and decreased good cholesterol. (HDL)
- Sedentary lifestyle – this can also add to the existing weight
- Some may inherit the disease
- PCOS – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, women suffering from this condition can also develop diabetes.
- People of certain ethnicities become insulin resistant very easily than others.
Complications developed due to diabetes
- In people suffering from type 2 diabetes may have even higher blood sugar levels due to stress, infection or even due to the medications that are prescribed.
- Due to dehydration in diabetic people, the amount of water in blood reduces resulting blood osmolality (hyperosmolar state) that can lead to coma. (Hyperosmolar Coma).
- Excessive use of insulin depletes blood of glucose, leading to Hypoglycemia. This situation is sometimes referred to as insulin reaction. Low blood sugar can also be due to insufficient consumption of food. Lower blood glucose levels can lead to:
- Feeling of dizziness and confusion
- Fatigue or weak
- Tremors (Shivering of hands/fingers/legs etc)
- In type 1 diabetic people, very less amount of insulin is produced leaving a lot of sugar in the blood. The elevated blood sugar levels can lead to loss of fluids in the body. (dehydration).
- When body lacks sufficient insulin, it loses the ability to store protein and fat. It also loses the ability to break down the existing fat and proteins.
- Diabetic Ketoacidsosis (DKA) – a condition when the blood becomes acidic. DKA can cause nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.
Long term complications of diabetes
- Loss of vision. Higher levels of sugar in the blood damages the blood vessels. They can be large blood vessels or small ones that are present in the eye. Damaged blood vessels leak protein and blood in retina, eventually leading to blindness.
- Cataracts and Glaucoma are common complications in diabetic people.
- Kidney damage (Diabetic Nephropathy). Similar to eyes, diseased/damaged small blood vessels in the kidneys lead to leakage of protein in the urine. Eventually kidneys lose the ability to cleanse and filter blood. As the toxins get accumulated, the functionality of kidney is lose and this may even lead to kidney replacement.
- Nerve damage. Higher glucose levels in blood can damage the nerves, called Diabetic Neuropathy.
- Nerve damage – can include any nerves in the body including the ones that are present in the male reproductive system. Damaged nerves near the penis can result in Erectile Dysfunction (ED or impotence).
- Diabetic Neuropathy can also affect the stomach and intestines system causing nausea, vomiting, weight loss, diarrhoea etc.
How do you control diabetes naturally
Maintaining active lifestyle with optimal body weight can help in keeping blood sugar level in normal range. You should work out regularly and let your sedentary life go off of you. Brisk walking every day for about 5 kms, changing food habits (consuming foods that are low in glycemic index) can greatly help in managing diabetes naturally.
If you have tried every natural method to control diabetes and if you see that nothing is getting better, you must see your doctor immediately.