
Acupuncture Clinic in Chennai

Does acupuncture for infertility and pregnancy work?

Infertility has been an increasing issue for couples who are trying to conceive. Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive even after having unprotected sex for a year. As per several researches conducted, 8 to 13% of couples suffer from infertility. In that, 40% of the times, the problem exists with men and another40% of the times, women have problem with conceiving. In rest 20% of the cases, both man and woman have issues with functioning of their reproductive system.

Even after so much advancement in medical science, there are people who still believe in and go for some traditional and natural treatments for treating infertility and pregnancy problems. Some women go for western treatment along with acupuncture to improve the success rates of IVF or other assisted reproduction techniques. Even highly qualified doctors suggest some women to undergo few sessions of acupuncture along with assisted techniques to reduce the chances of failure.

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese way of fixing the problems in a human body. The concept of acupuncture is based on the life energy called ‘Qi’ (pronounced as ‘Chee’) that flows from head to toe inside the body. When the Qi doesn’t flow to any part of the body or flows in excess due to any reason, those particular organs tend to function abnormally.

The process of acupuncture involves pricking specific energy points and energy paths of the body with fine, tiny needles by a trained and experienced acupuncturist. Acupuncture releases any blockages that hinder the flow of Qi. The therapy also stimulates the energy points and promotes spiritual, physical and mental wellbeing of the person.

How does acupuncture help in treating infertility in women?

As per experienced acupuncturists, when infertility is caused due to irregular or non-functioning of reproductive organs, the likely reason can be due to the improper flow of Qi to the organs. By placing the needles at key energy spots that are linked to the reproductive organs, the flow of energy, Qi is restored to normal levels and this encourages fertility.

Western medicine believes that the dysfunction of reproductive organs is mostly due to the hormonal imbalance that is in turn due to the improper functioning of brain parts such as the hypothalamus and the pituitary glands. Acupuncturists claim that, the therapy also aims at stimulating the brain functionality along with reproductive organs so that the production of hormones and chemicals by the brain are balanced and normal reproduction capacity of the woman returns. Acupuncture also increases the production of ‘endorphins’, the feel good hormones that also play an important role in regulating the menstrual cycle in a woman.

Some medical experts suggest a woman to undergo acupuncture, a couple of sessions every week for few months and see if that helps her to get pregnant naturally. However, acupuncture helps the ovaries release only one egg per cycle and also helps in thickening or correcting the thickness of the endometrial layer that holds the fertilized egg. If this doesn’t help the woman get pregnant, the second option would be to combine regular western medicine or treatment and acupuncture.

When does acupuncture not work in treating infertility?

Acupuncture should be an additional option only when there is no physical problem in the woman’s reproductive system. Cases such as a blocked fallopian tube(s), issues with endometrial layer or presence of fibroids etc must be treated first before undergoing infertility treatments. So, it is always advisable to get a complete physical check up done before opting for acupuncture to treat infertility.

Cost of acupuncture for treating infertility

Cost of acupuncture depends on the clinic that you are opting and the experience and credibility of the doctor. It can range from Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 75,000 for all sessions. Wondering if your health insurance covers the cost of acupuncture? Please check with your provider before you opt for the treatment.

What you should look for when finding an acupuncturist in Chennai?

  1. The doctor should be well trained and experienced. If the doctor has experience in treating infertility issues in men or women, that’s an added benefit. If a sexologist also has knowledge in acupuncture, he/she should be the first doctor you should be contacting.
  2. Always go for a reputed acupuncture clinic or hospital near you.
  3. If you acupuncturist and infertility specialist can work together or tied up for medical services, you can be assured that you can get the best of both treatments. Also, the medicines prescribed by your acupuncturist can be evaluated by regular gynecologist or infertility specialist before you start consuming them.
  4. If you want to try acupuncture first then you need to make at least one visit to a good gynecologist near you and get tested to make sure that you don’t have any kind physical problem with any of your reproductive organs.