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Natural Treatment process for improving PCOD

The condition polycystic ovarian disease/polycystic ovarian syndrome causes cysts to develop in the ovaries. It affects women’s ovaries, which produce progesterone and estrogen hormones, as well as a little amount of inhibin, relaxing, and androgens, which are male hormones that assist control the menstrual cycle.

Natural Treatments

While there is no cure for PCOD, there are several medical treatments that can help manage the symptoms. On the other hand, some people choose a natural approach to symptom treatment. These include:

1. Diet Changes –

Changing your diet is an essential aspect of treating PCOD. Here are some ways- 

  • Consuming Whole Foods – Artificial sugars and preservatives are not found in whole foods. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes are some of the whole foods. These may aid in the maintenance of insulin levels, allowing PCOD to be managed.
  • Carbohydrate intake – It can raise blood sugar levels and cause insulin resistance. It’s critical to eat fewer carbs and eat more high-protein and high-fiber meals.
  • Increasing the intake of magnesium – Magnesium-rich foods including cashews, almonds, bananas, and spinach can help to relieve PCOS symptoms. Magnesium aids in the maintenance of insulin levels as well as a peaceful night’s sleep.
  • Avoiding coffee –Caffeine stimulates the body by increasing estrogen levels in the body. As a result, there may be a hormonal imbalance. Coffee should be avoided and instead opt for some herbal tea like green tea. 
  • Avoiding junk and oily foods – Oily food contributes to weight gain and digestive problems. It can lead to severe PCOS symptoms. As a result, except for olive oil, it is vital to avoid any junk and oily meals.

2. Hydrotherapy-

Women with irregular periods might benefit from hydrotherapy and PCOD. A couple of the techniques to be used :

  • A prolonged cold sitz bath (10-15 minutes) may assist to create a contraction of the superficial branches of the internal iliac blood arteries, which pushes blood to the pelvic organs. The nutritive processes in the ovaries and uterus are improved by increased rich blood flow to the pelvic organs.
  • The use of a hot foot bath for around 10 minutes can help to vasodilate blood vessels in the pelvic cavity, boosting blood flow to the ovaries and uterus. 

3. Mindfulness

Having a mindful attitude towards your eating habits can be beneficial in relieving PCOD symptoms. Also, maintaining a tight sleep schedule might help you regulate your hormonal shifts. To perform PCOS therapy at home, get at least 6-8 hours of sleep. Practice meditation, and yoga exercise for at least 150 minutes each week to relax and maintain a healthy weight. 

4. Cupping –

Cupping and PCOD are linked since this natural therapy benefits women by inducing ovulation and assisting women who do not ovulate or have anovulatory periods. It also treats thyroid gland abnormalities and clears obstructions and inflammation in the fallopian tubes. It also aids in the balancing of hormones in the body.

5. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a technique in which needles are inserted into precise anatomical sites (termed acupoints). Acupuncture has been shown to help with ovulatory dysfunction in PCOS by increasing insulin sensitivity and lowering testosterone levels in patients.