The problem of Obesity is probably the number one lifestyle disease that is growing exponentially and raining havoc on people’s lives. Sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise and junk food contribute immensely to this mammoth problem.

Obesity leads to infertility, heart disease , diabetes, just to name a few. Low Testosterone levels is another problem that people with obesity face. The fat in the peripheries in obese people causes the conversion of testosterone to estrogen causing problems in men. In women it is the single most important cause of PCOS.
The Natural Treatment Clinic helps by the use of acupuncture combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine, aromatherapy and lifestyle modification with dietary advice in the treatment of obesity.
The Obvious Choice in Health
Chennai Natural Treatment Clinic is an obvious choice when it comes to providing an alternative to allopathic treatment. We aim to provide an alternative source in healing chronic ailments based on holistic natural healing.